Beeville Native
A&M corpus Christi
Bachelors in Kinesiology
Licenced Realtor in the state of Texas
U.S. History
Assistant Football Coach, Outside Linbackers
Head Softball
Started teaching in 2006-07 School Year
I’ve been with BISD since I started and am pesently employed with them.
I teach U.S. History
Yes, I got married in 2010 to Jessica Martinez from SKidmore, Texas
I have three children, my daughter, Jessalyn Ameris Burkett and my sons Aydon & Jaydon Burkett.
All my kids go to BISD
I have two dogs, Duke and JuJu.
My hobbies include helping the community of Beeville. I have my Real Estate licence, which I use to help families sell or buy their dream home. I also enjoy fixing up homes.
When I’m not doing work I enjoy the time with my kids and family.